Qhsusb Bulk. Phone does not turn on and device manager reads the device as QHUSB_BULK. This page contains the driver installation download for QHSUSB__BULK in supported models (System Product Name) that are running a supported operating system.
Now, right-click on QHSUSB_BULK and choose Update Driver Software. Select "Locate Drivers on this Device". Right mouse click and select "Update Driver".
What I have to do now?
Phone does not turn on and device manager reads the device as QHUSB_BULK.
In shorts. - No partitions but QHSUSB_BULK mode. Right click QHSUSB_BULK> Update driver software> Browse my computer for driver software> Browse. The drivers provided on this page are for QHSUSB__BULK, and most of them are for Windows operating system.